cnc workflow


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This is a diagram I made to explain to my wife the chronology of all the star trek movies and tv series.

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It is appropriate here to illustrate the time warp that has been caused by this week's project.

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After I milled and stuffed my first LED board, I realized both of the FABISP boards from weeks ago did not work. Both of those boards eventually met an untimely end. It wasn't until three ISP's later that I was able to program one and use it. However, I had not been able to (unbeknownst to me) install the ftdi drivers, so I was then unable (at first) to program the LED board. I spend most of the week doing the second assignment of the semester. I made several boards. Apparently, I'm an aweful solderer.

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Me and Error 1. We're super tight.

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Yikes! Invalid Device Signature. Shut up.


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The traces for the board.

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I took this code from the HLT wiki and then modified it to work for the pins I was using. The same code worked if I wrote DDRA = 128; PORTA = 128;

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I chose a green LED. More on this later.

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I took this code from the HLT wiki as well and modified it again to work with the pins I was using.

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Obviously, I chose a GREEN LED. And I thought maybe as a way to play with the vinyl cutter, I could make a ... LIGHT SABER.

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Light Saber traces

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I've wanted to do this for a long time.

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For the light diffusing material, I decided to use a transluscent polypropelene.

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The vinyl cutter worked for the diffuser, because I printed from AutoCAD. HOWEVER, in a devestating move, the logon for the ARCH fablab was not working and I was not able to use fabmodules to cut out a png.

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Crappy light saber mockup pretender.

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